设施 & 建设
设施 & 建设 主题: Policy and 程序 for Processing Requisitions For An Approved Purchase Orders Effective Date April 1, 2009
APPLICABLE TO:All 设施 and 建设 Services Division Staff and Administrators


It is the policy of the 设施 & 建设 Services to acquire services at the most economical costs for the benefit of the University, in accordance with State and University guidelines.   


The Five-Year 校园 Master Plan is the basis upon which the 建设 Division process is built. 项目低于2美元,000,经德克萨斯南方大学董事会批准,可由建筑服务部门建造. Projects greater than $2,000,根据成本因素和项目对国家的财政影响,000美元必须得到托国立校董会的批准和德克萨斯高等教育的批准.

设施科致力确保设施及建筑工程署获得执行基本工作职能所需的服务. 这些程序的目的是建立各部门的采购指导方针,不违反或抵触《比较靠谱的赌博大平台》规定的规则和条例, 第61节.0582, State laws and University policy.  因此, 本协议中包含的政策和程序已被采纳并公布,以与德克萨斯南方大学采购办公室制定的政策和程序保持一致.


设施和建筑服务的目的是处理优先的主要基本建设改善项目, and deferred maintenance projects are derived from the Master Plan as submitted to 校董会 and the with concurrent or subsequent submittals to the Texas Higher EducationCoordinating Board based upon supporting documentation provided; determine appropriate fund sources; ensure such encumbrance requests are within budgetary constraints; obtain necessary management approvals; process online requisitions; and notify departments of authorized purchase order(s) and related status. [注:一般而言, construction/renovation related requests are coordinated by the 设施 Specialist for 建设.]


“The Purchasing Office, under the direction of the Chief Fiscal Office, has sole authority to obligate the University for the purchase of supplies, 设备, 和服务.  对于未按照大学政策和程序并经指定的大学采购人员批准而承担的义务,大学将不承担支付责任.“请注意,德克萨斯南方大学校董会的政策是,在没有事先获得正确执行的采购订单的情况下,任何员工都无权要求学校支付商品或服务. While this policy may have been loosely applied in the past, 请了解,任何人在未事先获得正确执行的采购订单的情况下,试图向大学要求支付此类款项,将受到纪律处分. 获得这些商品或服务的个人将单独和完全负责支付所产生的任何债务(参见德克萨斯南方大学教职员工采购手册第4页)。. 不遵守既定政策和程序的员工可能会受到逐步的纪律处分.


The Procurement cycle is promulgated in Texas Government Codes 2155 and 2156. The process is a methodical approach and includes the following:

  • Project analysis and needs assessment
  • Procurement method selection
  • 招标公告
  • 征求建议书
  • Request for Qualifications
  • Development of project specifications and design
  • Project document development
  • 广告
  • Receipt of bids and proposals
  • Bid opening, tabulation, and review
  • Award of contract/purchase order
  •  下订单 


 When preparing a requisition, the department should begin the process accordingly.

  •  If the encumbrance request for the purchase of goods amounts to $5,000.00 or less, no bid is required; for amounts of $5,000.01 to $25,000.00, three quotes or a spot purchase form should be attached; and $25,000.01 or more should be submitted for formal bids through the Purchasing Office.
  • If the encumbrance request amount for purchase of services (professional or consultants) is $10,000.00 or less no bid is required; $10,000.01 to $25,000.00 three quotes or a spot purchase form should be attached; and $25,000.01 or more should be submitted for formal bids through the Purchasing Office.
  • The vendor information should be submitted (i.e. vendor name, address, federal tax identification number, contact person, phone and fax number).


  • Once the requisition is completed, the requestor should sign and submit to Department Head for signature approval, along with supporting documentation before forwarding to Procurement Services for further processing.


When processing requisitions to be submitted for a Purchase Order, the following steps should be   adhered to:

  1. A completed Requisition Form should be forwarded to the assigned Project Manager for signature.
  2. Fund availability and budget information will be determined, 验证, and added to the requisition accordingly.
  3. Once the requisition is received, it will be stamped to indicate the date and time of receipt.
  4. 然后将申请单记录在《网投比较靠谱的大平台》(施工)和/或《比较靠谱的赌博大平台》(B & AS) and assigned a number.
  5. The Request will be submitted to the Executive Director of 设施 and 建设 Services, 注:在进一步处理申请之前,可能必须获得所有或某些不同级别的管理批准.
  6. Once requisitions have Management approval, an online requisition will be entered into the Banner Financial System.
  7. A requisition number will be system generated and submitted for completion.
  8. After online approval of requisitions, authorized purchase orders are issued within one to two business days. Hard copy requisitions submitted to the Purchasing Office for processing, 在大多数情况下, are issued an authorized purchase order within three to five days after receipt of the requisition. [ NOTE: It should be noted that occasionally, 设施及建筑事务司无法控制的限制可能导致采购订单在1至2周或更长时间内无法完成.]



向建设融资部门和商务和行政服务办公室提交的申请单和债权负担请求必须附有一份解释性备忘录(或其他传输文件),说明与该请求有关的所有相关信息[i].e. reason/justification for the request; project name and/or description of work to be performed; cost of request; type of documentation provided; special circumstances (e.g. low bid not selected; invoice prior to approved purchase order; sole source provider; 等.).

Requests will be logged and tracked via the 设施 & 建设 Document Tracking Log and/or the Purchase Order Tracking Log, along with current status (including Vendor Name and ID#, Requisition Description, 资金来源, 收货日期, Purchase Order Approval Date, Purchase Order Number, Purchase Order Amount, 检查数量, Purchase Order Balance, 追踪号码, 等.).  

A copy of the logs will be provided weekly for all direct reports and their assistants for review. Information is updated as known changes occur and 验证 prior to distribution to departments. If information provided is incorrect, please contact the 建设 Services to notify of any inaccuracies. Although requests have been approved within our Division, there may still be other management approvals necessary, which may elongate the completion of the encumbrance process.

If requests are of an EMERGENCY nature, boldly indicate such on the requisition and submit in a timely manner. An emergency purchase is defined by the Texas Government Code and The Texas Building & 采购委员会将其定义为“购买急需的商品或服务,除非立即获得,否则机构将遭受财务或业务损失”。. Emergency purchases should be rare and based upon completely unforeseeable circumstances, not oversight or lack of planning. Like all other requests, please complete the requisition along with a complete emergency justification letter. The letter should: 1) state the reason for the emergency purchase, and explain what the emergency is and/or what caused the emergency situation; 2) state the financial or operational damage that will occur if needs are not satisfied immediately; and 3) state why needs were not or could not be anticipated so as to preclude following regular purchasing procedures. 

未经授权的采购订单应附有采购例外授权表,可能需要更长的时间来处理. As of the effective date of this procedure, all Purchase Exception Forms must be approved by the Interim President.


If you have questions or need additional information regarding this policy and related procedures, you may contact the 设施 and 建设 Services. 本资料描述了设施及建筑事务司的采购活动,并立即生效.